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Blue vervain Alternative Names: Verbena hastata, Swamp Verbena, Simpler's Joy, Herb of the Cross, American Blue Vervain, Hierba de Verbena Azul, Verbenkraut, Verbena Azzurra
Blue vervain, a member of the verbena family, has a rich history of use dating back to ancient Egypt, where it was valued for easing congestion and cough. In medieval Europe, the herb was believed to protect peasants from the plague. The Iroquois used a cold infusion of the leaf to drive away unwanted company, while Eastern European pagans believed it could attract true love.
The dried herb, though bitter, is edible and can be added to teas, salads, and soups. It can also be infused in oil or used in tinctures to enhance lotions, creams, soaps, ointments, facial toners, and perfumes.