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NYC Herbs

Wormwood Herb (Artemisia Adsinthium)

Wormwood Herb (Artemisia Adsinthium)

Regular price $4.00 USD
Regular price $6.99 USD Sale price $4.00 USD
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Other names:

Wormwood, artemisia, absinth sage, absinth wormwood, absinth sagewort, common sagewort, absinthe mugwort, absinthium, ajenjo

Wormwood Herb has been used for centuries for its health-promoting properties. This herb is a rich source of essential oils, flavonoids, and other beneficial compounds that help support healthy digestion, liver function, and immune system. Wormwood Herb also has a long history of use for its calming effects on the nervous system and as a natural remedy for improving overall wellness. It is a powerful and versatile herb that has many potential benefits for those looking to improve their health naturally. Try Wormwood Herb today and experience its remarkable effects for yourself!

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